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Attendance Clerks:

Last Name A-K: April DeAlva 817-744-1742 

Last Name L-Z: K'Lani Goodacre 817-744-1741


Verification of Enrollment (VOE)

Complete Verification of Enrollment Request Form to request a VOE. The VOE will be sent to the email address you provide when filling out the form. VOE's will be processed within 48 hours of the form being submitted. For questions, call your Attendance Clerk (by last name alpha).



Students Leaving Campus

Students may not leave campus during the day without parent notification to the Attendance Office. Parent permission requires a note from the parent or guardian to be presented to the Attendance Office before the day begins. Parent notes must include a contact number. If you need to call and have your student dismissed, due to the high volume of calls it is necessary to leave a voice message for the Attendance Clerk. You may call early in the morning to expedite the process. Please allow at least 30 minutes prior to dismissal time in order for our attendance clerks to fill the request and have the pass delivered to your student.​