AP Testing
Students who choose to take AP courses are demonstrating that they are committed to academic excellence and are more prepared for the rigorous, challenging coursework they will encounter in college. By participating in the AP exam, students have the opportunity to be awarded with college credit, saving both time and money towards tuition, fees, and books. These tests are a great opportunity for our AP students, and we highly encourage each child to participate.
Registration Timelines
Full Year AP Classes:
- The deadline to register for exams for all full-year AP courses and fall semester AP Economics and Government courses is October 27.
- Registration fee is $94 from September 19-29, and $99 from September 30-October 27.
- A $40 late fee will be applied after October 27.
- No late registrations are permitted after December 20.
Spring-Only AP Government and AP Economics Classes:
- This deadline to register for spring semester AP Economics and Government courses is February 23.
- Registration fee is $94 from February 2 - 13, and $99 from February 13-23.
- A $40 late fee will be applied after February 23.
- No late registrations are permitted after March 14.
How to Register for AP Exams
Step 1: AP Classroom Step 2: Total Registration Step 3: Make a Payment
Step 1. Enroll in Your AP Classroom Section(s) in MyAP.
- https://myap.collegeboard.org/login
- Your teacher will provide you with the unique class code for each of your AP classes.
- Update your exam selection from "Undecided" to "Yes" for each exam you will take.
Step 2. Register for Exams in Total Registration
- FRHS Total Registration
Step 3. Pay For Your Exams
- Pay online at the KISD Webstore or
- Deliver cash or check to Jennifer Ulbrich, FRHS Accountant, in the main office.
- Make checks payable to "Fossil Ridge High School," and include the student's name and ID number in the memo
All 3 steps must be completed by the appropriate deadlines or exams will not be ordered for you.
For questions, see Mr. Brown in the AP Office or email him at Arthur.Brown@KellerISD.net.
Retaking Exams
- You may take an exam more than once if you want to improve your score.
- You do not have to be enrolled in the AP to take the exam.
College Credit
- The college of your choice will have guidelines as to whether they grant AP credit and what score is accepted for credit. Visit the AP Credit Policy Search Tool to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP scores.
Additional Information
To learn more about AP exams and credit, visit the AP Students web page.
For questions, please contact:
- Arthur Brown – Assistant Principal at arthur.brown@kellerisd.net or 817.744.1705
- Jani Want - Academic Dean at jani.want@kellerisd.net or 817.744.1704